Friday, November 20, 2009

Grandma's recipe is always the best

Today I emailed my mom, asking her to find my Mimi's recipe for Sweet potatoes... you know the kind you have on Thanksgiving with the nuts and sugar and marshmallows? As a kid (OK and today...), that was always the dish that I most looked forward to. And since I moved away from home, I don't think I've had it! So this year, I decided that I would make it for the Couts Thanksgiving!

It made me think.... where did Mimi get the recipe? Where did any of our grandmothers get their recipes? Were they all chefs and made them up? Maybe yes, maybe no.

When I have kids and grandkids, they're going to say, "Oh, Mom's recipe (or Grandma's recipe) for (fill in the blank) was the best!"

Little did they know that most of the recipes I use are from some cooking website or a friend.... who probably got it from their grandmother or some cooking website.

So the nagging question.... Which came first: the recipe or the grandma?

It makes me think of "The One with Phoebe's Cookies":

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