Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Recent happenings

My goodness, I can't believe I haven't blogged since Valentine's Day! I'm so terrible at this! Lots of things have been going on with us, we've barely stopped to savor these last few months as just Mike and me... hopefully we'll be able to slow down a bit in the summer as my energy slows down as well.

One of the biggest things that has rocked our world recently is my mom's diagnosis of ovarian cancer back in December. I'm finally at the place where I can talk about it more now... she is feeling really good for the most part, but has her down days of course. It's hard being so far away, but at the same time, it makes me rely more on God than EVER. Seriously. They have such a wonderful church family and such great friends who have come to help with everything from meals to driving Mom to chemo, to shopping trips, lunch out, and even just coming over to hang out with her at the house. I am beyond thankful.

As for us, Mike is doing well, finally finished his project at work, which had him working many weekends and late nights. It wasn't fun for either one of us, but the OT pay was nice, and it made the time we had together that much sweeter. He has just amazed me recently with his dedication to learning about becoming a new dad, and his interest in the baby. You never know with guys. :)

I'm progressing well with my pregnancy, today I am 25 weeks 5 days pregnant and feeling great for the most part. In case I didn't mention it before, we are having a BOY!! My sit-down-all-freaking-day job has been murder on my back and has caused sciatica in both legs, so that has limited my after-work activity significantly. As it warms up I am able to walk more, but just not as far. I'm getting HUGE, and as of about 2 weeks ago gained a total of 21# since my first checkup at 9 weeks. Holy smokes. The dr said that I would probably gain at least 40# total, mostly because of the fact that I started so small.

Baby is kicking and punching and dancing almost non-stop in my belly. It is so fun, I swear I could sit and just watch my belly move all day. My hunger is insane right now, but the more distracted I am, the less it bothers me. I don't eat a whole lot more at one sitting, just more often. I'm carrying him so LOW that sometimes it's hard to just get up off the couch. Ha! No heartburn or lack of sleep or anything YET, but then again I'm still in 2nd trimester. The only reason for lack of sleep is my appetite... I'll wake up out of a dead sleep at 4am and NEED food. Crazy.

Last weekend we traveled to Houston to be with my family and celebrate Easter, and it was just absolutely refreshing. We didn't realize until the end of the week how bad we both needed to just get out of town. We slept and relaxed a lot, and I got to spend some good quality time with both of my sisters and my parents. This only happens about once a year, so it was extra special. We are planning on driving out there again Labor Day weekend so that the family can see our new little guy. Yes, we will be driving 1000 miles with a 3-4 week-old, and we know that it may take 2-3 days.... but we're probably going to do it anyway.

The baby's room is taking shape as Mike has completely assembled the crib, changing table, dresser, and glider. He painted the room blue and I can't wait to get more things to put it in there.... it seems more real now, as if my growing middle wasn't doing anything for me. We have registered at Buy Buy Baby and Babies R Us... BBB is an amazing store that has everything you would ever need for a baby. Incredible. It is owned by Bed Bath & Beyond so they have great coupons and deals. Check it out!
I have lots of things to write about, but there just isn't time. That's about it for us! Until next time!


1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I found your blog from Teri Reynolds' blog. I am so sorry to hear about your mom's cancer. I will be praying for your family. And congrats about the sweet baby on the way! You look amazing and I am so happy for you. I admire your CD'ing efforts! :) I make (some of but not all) my own baby food and if you need any tips on that, let me know!
Lindsay (Scott) Arrant
PS I will try to get ahold of your email address somehow so I can send you an invite to my private blog.