Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Growing Bigger and BIGGER!

That's pretty much all that's going on with me these days! Today I am 30 weeks and 5 days pregnant and I can't believe that we get to meet our son in hopefully about 9 weeks! I also can't believe that I'm actually going to get bigger, and this baby only weighs about half of what he should weigh at birth! Crazy! I really can't complain too much because so many women have very difficult pregnancies that include a lot of sickness and bed rest... but sometimes it feels good to have a good, old-fashioned whine! But I won't do that here. :)

One very good thing is that my sciatica has all but disappeared in the 3rd trimester! This is a huge praise because it was almost debilitating most days starting in the 2nd trimester. Now I'm struggling with getting comfortable just about anywhere. A few weeks ago I dealt with the worst allergies ever, and spent a few nights sleeping in the reclining sofa because it was easier to not be flat on my back or on my side at night. Then I tried to lay down one night in bed and got no sleep.... so I started sleeping in my LaZBoy recliner in the upstairs game room. Slept like a baby! Then I got lonely and so Mike moved it into our bedroom so I can at least be in the same room with him. This has made a huge difference... until this week. Nothing is working! I'm tempted to try sleeping in the bed tonight just to see how it works.

Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I've been sleeping differently, but it has been helped tremendously by this little baby--- the SNOOGLE pillow. I freaking love it!! I would recommend it to all of my pregnant friends, as it supports you in all the right places! The only problem is that it puts up a wall between Mike and me at night... but sometimes if I wake up before him, I see him snuggling right up to it! So cute! Soon I'll put up a post about pregnancy must-haves! It will definitely be on the list.

Also getting thru work is getting harder because I'm running out of breath if I don't sit up perfectly straight. Not sure how I'm gonna make it the next 9 weeks!

But probably the most fun has been the increased activity in my belly. It's so neat to feel that little one moving around so vigorously, almost all day long, and fun for Mike to feel it. He gets a kick out of looking at my deformed stomach sometimes, and how it changes shape. Truly a miracle!

Well, June is upon us now, which means we are starting the busiest 2 months ever. This month I start going to the doctor more often, we have child birth classes, baby classes, maternity pictures, in addition to our normal summer busy activities. Hopefully I can keep up with the blogging. Haha, right!!

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