Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I got my baby back, baby back, baby back

Mike is finally home, y'all! We could not be happier. The word came in on Sunday morning, and it was a very nice treat on my hardest day of the week.

He got home last night, and after dinner with his parents and grandpa, we went home and he started looking verrrrry sleeeeepy... and I just wanted to be with him... so together, we went to bed about 8:30! Of course this was very early for me, but it was his 1:30am! We both woke up this morning, completely rested and in a good mood. I guess that's what 11 hours of sleep will do to you! His driver's license expired on Saturday (his birthday) so I had to take him to work this morning.

These past 4 1/2 months have been very difficult for both of us, and there were many people who came to our aid to make life a little bit easier and more joyful for us!

Phil- Thank you so much for buying me dinner when I came to visit Mike. You have been so gracious in answering your phone when a sometimes-frantic, worried wife is on the other end. Thanks for promptly sending messages to Mike's room when he was out traveling.

Holiday Inn Solihull- (even though no one from the HI reads this blog) You gave my hubby such a nice home for 16 weeks, and always greeted him at the door with kindness.

Kelli- Thank you for being such a dear friend to me when Mike was gone. You were faithful to pray for us, and always asked if there was something that you could do. Thank you for always making me feel included.

Erin- Our walks together and time spent watching movies and eating ice cream were so precious to me. Your sweet spirit was always so refreshing on days when I needed a word of kindness. And you, also, thank you for always making me feel included in group activities, even though I'm the old married one. :)

Heather- you are the closest thing to a sister I have in Indy. Thank you for your sweet text messages, and calls, just to see how I'm doing. It was fun to hang out when we were both missing our men, and I cherish our conversations about love and life.

Mom & Dad Couts- Thank you for checking up on me literally every day, just to make sure I'm doing OK. I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to get together as much, but these girls who I just mentioned kept me pretty busy!

Ryan & Laurel- Thank you for all the meals at your home, and thanks for always making me feel part of a family. It means so much to both of us.

Mom- I find it comforting to talk to you because, well, your my mom.... and also, you've been a wife of a man who travels a lot. But you had kids to drive you nuts at the time... thanks so much for our sweet conversations and thank you for never seeming to get bored of my rambling. I called you numerous times, in tears, and you kept your cool every time. If you had started crying, I would have felt like I burdened you. Thanks for teaching me how to be a good wife.

Dad- You brought a different perspective, and showed me how to be a supportive wife of a man who travels a lot. Thanks for your humorous email forwards that always come at a time when I need them. I love you!

Melissa and Holly- You girls always seem to call just when I need it too. Melissa, your engagement story got me through last Sunday, and Holly, news of your awesome internship gets me through each day. I am so proud of and excited for both of you.

My girlfriends at church (married and single)- Thank you for including me in your various activities. I was afraid that after I got married, I would all of a sudden lose you, but that didn't happen! I love to be around you girls and encourage you in your lives, just as you do for me.

My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!! You have been the one who has carried us through each excruciating day apart from one another. You filled us with gladness and hope when we didn't have each other to turn to. You gave Mike comfort as he was all alone in a strange country (haha) and you gave me peace when I felt all alone in my home country. Thank you for keeping both of us safe and for bringing us back together again.

We have a list a mile long of things that need to be done now that Mike's back in town.... I just need to realize that it may not happen in one week. We have missed each other so much, and I know it will be a huge adjustment, but we're up for it!

So on the count of three....

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Glad to hear that Mike is home ! I know that you are so excited, I would be too !