Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dear Fashion Industry,

Please stop making clothes so baggy. They are comfortable and feel great, but make some of us look pregnant. Because some of us, as soon as we get married, are constantly asked (even in not-so-baggy clothes), "are you expecting?" Recently the only thing I've been "expecting" is that question. Yeah, not such a fun question to answer.

Rachel "No, I'm not pregnant, just trying to be fashionable" Couts


Bethany said...

And if you were to be expecting right now, I'm sure you'd start getting some other questions... like "How long has your husband been in the UK, again?"


- Bethany

Mike & Rachel Couts said...

thanks, B. There could be more awkward questions. :)

Jessica McCoy said...

I know exactly how you feel! I hate it when people just assume. I wouldn't ask that of someone who even obviously looked pregnant!

Katie said...

and see, here i am asking them to stop making everything so tight!! some of us want modest, comfortable clothing. i guess we need to stop sending them mixed signals. ;o)