Thursday, December 31, 2009
A Decade in Review
1999: Graduated high school, started full-time at Tomball College, struggled with headaches and other health issues, tried to figure out what it would take to transfer to Texas A&M, started working at the FLC (Family Life Center) at church working the early morning shift.
2000: Continued my studies at Tomball College, also continued to struggle with health issues and finally had my back surgery, which caused me to take a semester off of school. I started working with Dot Hill as her assistant in Premier Designs, Inc and absolutely loved it. I was in the choir at church and loved being the dancing snowman in the Christmas production.
2001: Got accepted to Texas A&M! That summer I was an intern at Champion Forest and really enjoyed learning more about what it really means to run a youth ministry. I started school and 2 weeks later 9/11 hit and all our lives were changed. I loved my first year at A&M, but found my share of struggles due to lack of a car and cell phone. But boy was I in shape from riding that bike everywhere!
2002: In the Spring I made the Dean's List and that summer I got my certification as an Emergency Medical Technician. I spent some time in the back of ambulances, in firehouses, and many hours (it seemed) in the ER, practicing my skills and observing many amazing things. In the fall I got a job at the on-campus Rec Center as a medic, which is the best job I've ever had.
2003: Continued studying at A&M, but finally had a car! Actually I had the big blue minivan, which was fun taking all my friends all over town in style. In December I received my Aggie Ring, which was an encouragement to me to keep going!
2004: The Spring semester was my last on-campus, and it was a doozy! In the summer I did my internship at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston in the Volunteer Services office. I was in charge of managing all the Junior Volunteers for the summer. It was kind of fun at times, but let's just say I got reeeeeallllly good at fixing paper jams in xerox machines. In August I graduated with my BS in Community Health and a month later started working at The Health Musuem in Houston as a Science Educator. I taught field trip science classes and dissected all sorts of animal organs for an audience. No, actually, that was the best job I've ever had.
2005: Worked at the Health Museum until May, then moved to Indianapolis for a new job at Summex Health Management, now WebM*. And I am still there. Oh and in December I met the man of my dreams.
2006: I dated Mike. That pretty much covers it.
2007: Mike and I were engaged in February and married on July 14th. I have never learned so much about myself in such a short period of time!
2008: I started my Pampered Chef business and celebrated my first anniversary with Mike in the same week! I also switched from Supervisor to Health Coach in my job (which was a step down) but it was totally worth it.
2009: See above post.
Wow, so much! So to sum it up: In 10 years I had a major life-changing surgery, went to college, went to another college, graduated, got my first real job and got my first real boyfriend and husband (all in one!).
A Year in Review
However, I am glad to say that I came closer to any 2 New Years Resolutions than ever!
1. Reading the Bible. This time last year I resolved to read through the entire Bible in 1 year following a plan from the Discipleship Journal. Due to the looooongness of the Old Testament, I am only about 1.5 months behind! I got up every weekday morning, took a shower, read the Bible, and then ate breakfast. This was made possible by me beginning to work at home in January. I found that sitting on the bathroom floor (with the shower running--- don't judge--- it's my favorite sound in the world) with my Bible was my favorite part of the day. Thank you, Lord!
2. Flossing. Every year I vow to floss my teeth every day, and each year I get better. This year was probably the best for flossing, and it showed at my latest dentist appointment! Score!
This year was full of lots of ups and downs. Pros and cons. Happiness and tears. You get the idea.
The Bad:
** Mike was in England on business for 5 months, when it was originally supposed to last 2 months.
** My PC sales went down the toilet (early in the year) because I didn't care about anything and had to work hard just to get up every day from January through May.
** Work was so stressful that sometimes I just break down in tears because I'm so exhausted, tired of dealing with it!!
** I struggled with more discontent and had more stress than any other time in my life! (see previous bullet point)
The Good:
** I got to travel out of the country (England) for the first time to see Mike. Now I finally have a stamp on my passport!
** My sister Melissa got engaged and married, and we were able to travel to Savannah, GA for the wedding and then a vacation. It was such a special week!
** I learned how very much I love my husband.
** After a rough Spring, my PC sales bounced back up and I met many of my goals!
** In January I started working from home which is a huge blessing, considering how awful winters can be! Life is a lot better when you don't have to get up at the crack of dawn to scrape off your car and hope you don't die on your way to work.
** (more recently) Mike and I got to visit Texas for Christmas and I got to see more old friends than any trip in the past!
** I learned how to sew
** I learned how to live as a single-but-married girl for 5 months, which was the hardest thing I've had to do. Looking back on it, I still can't believe we made it! I have a whole new respect for you military wives out there!
So... on to 2010! I am so excited and am really looking forward to all that will be in store for us in the upcoming year. I've been thinking about it all week, trying to come up with resolutions, and honestly I don't have any, except just to keep up what I've been doing... flossing, reading the Bible, exercising, etc.
Do any of my readers have resolutions?
PS: This year, one of my resolutions is NOT to blog more. I always fail at that one!! LOL
Friday, November 20, 2009
Grandma's recipe is always the best
It made me think.... where did Mimi get the recipe? Where did any of our grandmothers get their recipes? Were they all chefs and made them up? Maybe yes, maybe no.
When I have kids and grandkids, they're going to say, "Oh, Mom's recipe (or Grandma's recipe) for (fill in the blank) was the best!"
Little did they know that most of the recipes I use are from some cooking website or a friend.... who probably got it from their grandmother or some cooking website.
So the nagging question.... Which came first: the recipe or the grandma?
It makes me think of "The One with Phoebe's Cookies":
Thursday, October 15, 2009
So now I have to come up with a title for it. Any ideas? I was thinking about something like "Couts Kitchen Approved" or something about food or recipes or something along those lines.
Suggestions are welcome! If you suggest a title and I choose it, I will actually send you a Season's Best Recipe Collection cookbook from The Pampered Chef!
Let's hear 'em.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
By the way, I've been thinking about making a cooking blog... basically trying out recipes and giving my reviews. Any thoughts?
Does anybody read this? :)
Monday, October 12, 2009
A random thought that came to me last night....
Am I crazy or what? Can you believe I actually thought that? I'm afraid that since I'm so busy and stressed, that it will kill my immune system and this may happen....
let's hope not.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Too Busy to post....
Read this book
Friday, September 11, 2009
8 years ago
That morning started like any other for me, as pretty much everyone, I guess. It was my first year at A&M (junior year). I got up, ate breakfast, and watched the morning news with Liz (one of my housemates) for a few minutes. I remember her saying that not much must be going on b/c the biggest news of the day was that Bethel Johnson, an A&M football player was out with an injury. I pedaled to my first class, HLTH 331 with Dr. Wylie in the insanely cold GRW 267 classroom. After class we went outside to thaw for a while before Dr. Dorman's HLTH 210 class immediately following. Someone rode past us on their bike, telling us what had happened, that the World Trade Center had collapsed. We chalked it up to a rumor or a story blown out of proportion, and headed back to class.
When we got back to class, Dr. Dorman came in and announced, "Due to the cold temperature in this classroom and the recent turn of events in our country, class is cancelled today." Wow. He never cancels class.
My friend Alicia and I went across the street to the Koldus building to where her mom worked in the Office of Student Activities. The Director of Student Activities was actually stuck in Newark, trying to get back to CS. We sat in that office, glued to the TV for several hours. After a while I went home, biking alone on the A&M campus... nobody was outside. It was so weird. At home, the TV was on, and because we spent all that time in front of the TV, the housemates got a little stir crazy and we re-arranged the living room. Ma was not happy about that.
Like I said before, we have all been affected in some way by it... politics, safety, air-travel (what a pain!!!), war, lost loved ones... but something my Dad said that day stuck with me: "You know, God was not surprised by this." Wow! He has our lives in His hands and cares about the big things and the small things. This is something that we may know, but often times forget.
Don't we serve a great God?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Hittin' the road with my best friend
So happy
Welcome to Ohio!
Uncle Keith, Aunt Sandra and Shawn
I hope everyone else had a safe, fun holiday weekend. Now it's back to the grind... grrr.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I'm so excited because.....
Friday, August 21, 2009
My Love
- The boy could watch cartoons all day long. He mostly favors GI Joe, Batman, Superman, and Star Wars. When we were dating, once I invited him over for breakfast and Saturday morning cartoons. To me that meant Bugs Bunny and Tom & Jerry. To him, that meant superheroes.
- He prays with me every morning before he leaves for work. I am usually an hour away from having to wake up, and even though I'm more than half-asleep he takes the time to go to the Lord with me in prayer.
- He prays with me each evening before we go to sleep (that is, unless we hit the sack at different times).
- He complains all week about having to get up so early, but he often up and at 'em early on Saturday mornings.
- One of my favorites: he can swish Listerene for several minutes without it burning his mouth. After 30 seconds my eyes look bloodshot and I'm almost in tears! And YES, he does spit it out.
- He supports me in my Pampered Chef business so faithfully. He does a great job of selling too! We were in David's Bridal a few mos ago and while I was in the dressing room, he was talking to the lady who works there about my business! Hilarious!
- He taught me to fish this year. I'm still not baiting the hooks, but I grabbed the fish I caught off the hook!
- When he hears a song on the radio or on TV, he starts dancing and it is SO funny.
- He has become more disciplined (which is influencing me of course) about saving money for our future house.
- He tells me I'm pretty even when I don't feel pretty.
- He puts up with my whining, which I am working to reduce.
- He likes to watch The Real Housewives of .... with me. Oh and The Hills. His commentary on all of it cracks me up. He draws the line at The Golden Girls. I draw the line at Star Trek.
- One of our favorite things to watch together are reruns of Friends. We just sit in the bed and laugh together.
- He never ceases to amaze me... last year we did a 5K and on our practice walks, I always leave him in the dust b/c I walk pretty fast. But he took off running at the race and finished several minutes before I did! I didn't know he had it in him!
- I have learned that it probably isn't a good idea to travel with him to cities that have toll roads... toll roads Mikey no likey.
- He loves to read instructional do-it-yourself books about electrical work. I look at it and it makes no sense to me. He has the knack.
- He gets the paper for me every Saturday at Meijer so I can get my coupons.
- He helps me carry in the groceries.
- I find the Bible out on the table most mornings when I wake up. It makes me feel good that my spiritual leader is spending time in the Word almost every day.
- When I come home on Tuesday nights, exhausted from work and being at Riley, he welcomes me into a big hug.
Oh I could go on for days! But maybe I'll save some for next year.
Thanks for being the best husband ever! I'll try to be the best wife I can be. I love you, Honey!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
What's up with us?
Here I am in the video kitchen at the home office. This is where they do all the instructional recipe videos online! Fun!
Opening session kicked off with song and dance! I was impressed!
And this was one of the most exciting moments! This is me with Doris Christopher, the President and Founder of The Pampered Chef! She started the business in her basement almost 30 years ago as a way to make money and stay home with her kids. Thanks Doris!
"Pampered Chef America!" Haha.
Here's Ashley and I with WAHOO Woman!
On our last night following the Executive Banquet, we got our DANCE on!
And on Saturday morning I was invited to a "first-timer's" breakfast with Doris Frame, who has been in the business 18 years! She is so helpful.
This conference was so much fun and really got me extra-excited about working my business around my crazy work schedule. I left with a camp high! And all the while, my sweetie was here in Indy, probably watching all the GI Joe cartoons he could stand and eating all the McDonalds his body could hold. Life's tough. :) More pictures from the conference can be viewed on my facebook page at
2) Mike came to pick me up in Chicago and we spent the day there. Mike HATES this city b/c of all the traffic and the toll roads. Me, I'm used to it from growing up in Houston. But b/c I was there and he knows I like the city, he came and got me. We spent the day walking around Navy Pier, eating ice cream and some good seafood.
This post is already really long, so I'll only post one pic of the trip. These can also be found on my facebook page.
I hope to keep up a little better. Good luck, huh Rach?
Monday, August 17, 2009
No really. Our pastor has been doing a sermon series recently entitled "How to Kill Relationships and Irritate People." I had no idea how convicting it was going to be, and I don't think anybody else did either. If you want to take a listen, visit Be ready to feel 2 inches tall.
I've always known that I get frustrated with things easily, and it always depends on what else is going on... but I never translated that into "anger" because it is never long-lasting. I get more short bursts of anger. One thing that the pastor said (among many) that really made me listen, was a challenge that Jonathan Edwards gave to himself:
"Try to never become angry at an inanimate object."
Sounds kinda dumb, right? Yes, but incredibly relatable for me. I become angry with my work computer (not my Mac) on a regular daily basis. Like really angry. I work at home, so letting my feelings out is a little easier than if I were in the office. Our retired neighbor who is home all day long probably thinks I'm a psycho b/c of all my outbursts in frustration with this machine. I don't get frustrated with people nearly as much as I get angry with inanimate objects. My computer. My hair. The kitchen floor (it has these little grooves that harbor dirt and I can NEVER get it out). The dishwasher.
I become extremely frustrated with things I cannot control. But wait... isn't that one of the things that anger is borne out of? The fact that we want to control what goes on in our lives? Isn't that what they call "pride?" A-HA!
It seems that most of my anger and frustration comes out of discontent. I become bored very easily and I like change, to a point. If I had my way, we would be living in a house, have at least one child, Mike would still be working, and I would be at home with said child, doing Pampered Chef full-time. That is my dream. And I want it now. I wanted it like a year ago. So far, no dice. My job is currently soul-squelching, exhausting, and I am totally, completely 100% burned out. Sometimes I even question if I want to stay in the health field. We are living in an apartment that is wall-to-wall stuff, and I can't do anything about it. I like to have my home clean, and I just can't get it clean because of all the crap. There's just not room for it. We are busting at the seams right now. And of course, because of the lack of space, there are no kids. I am doing Pampered Chef part-time and it's actually going really well. It's just that I know it would probably be going AMAZING if I had the time and opportunity to do it full-time.
I go to church, read blogs, and see people who are exactly where I want to be. Their life may not be glamorous, but it's what I want. And I think something that makes it harder, is that I'm probably closer than ever to actually having it. It's like it's so close, yet so far away!
It's interesting how we change as we grow. My biggest source of anger used to be traffic. Now it seriously doesn't get me like it used to. Indianapolis mellowed me out.
I know that God is using this time to mold me and get me ready for what's next.
1. Living with a roommate the year before Mike and I got married definitely prepared me for a spouse.
2. Allowing me to start a business with PC before I can do it full-time is allowing me to get good at it so that when the opportunity to go full-time approaches, I'll know what I'm doing!
3. Making me wait for kids is giving me more time to observe families around me, and learn about what to do when that time comes for us.
4. Dealing with an apartment that will never actually be clean is teaching me that the world doesn't end if the bathroom floor isn't swiffered today. I would love to see the statistics for death by clutter. Hmmm.
5. Living with a man who watches more cartoons than most children must be preparing me for the household of boys we'll end up with some day!
6. Having a hubby who is a picky eater is getting me ready for the kids who consistently ask, "What's the green stuff?"
7. And last of all, only having to care for one person (Mike) has given me more opportunities to reach out to others too.
I want to ask for prayer from any/all of my blog-readers that I would continue to see my anger and frustration and not view it as failure, but as a way to grow. And that I would "breathe grace." I want to be a woman Mike looks forward to seeing every evening, not a haggard, exhausted, over-worked person who has no time for him. I think that Satan uses my job as a way to tempt me to sin over and over and over again. I need to look at all my responsibilities and view them as blessings, rather than headaches. Chances to learn.
There. I did it again. Called the computer a freakin' piece of crap.
This isn't going to be easy.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Seeing myself on screen
R: So do I.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
That being said, my left eye has been twitching since last Tuesday, and it's weirding me out. It's only a minor twitch, but strange nonetheless. Anybody had this problem before? Interestingly enough, it ceased twitching on Saturday and Sunday.... I wonder what the trigger could be???
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Fun and pictures to come soon!
Stay tuned!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Busy Bees
June has gone by so quickly, I can hardly believe that Mike has been home from England for a month now! Since then it feels like we've started over, and in that newlywed phase again... in a good way though! We take advantage of more time together, but still enjoy a little separation every now and then.
Two weeks ago, Mike and I went over to Eagle Creek on Father's Day to celebrate with his family! I've never been much of an outdoorsy girl until I moved to Indy and started hanging out with Mike and his family... but I love it! The weather in the summer is hardly ever too blazing hot to go out and do something fun. Very different from growing up in TX. Mike's family is mostly men, and they all love to go fishing, something that I have always thought was gross and a bit barbaric....
... but after some coaxing from Glenda, Margaret, Kerry, and of course Mike, I gave it a try. Kerry had his pole and let me reel in a fish. It was the coolest feeling. So then I had him bait my hook and caught another one. And another one. And another one.
Couts men fishing (Kerry, Kevin, Dad, Mike)... and all those buckets are of course... ours
This is the fish that I reeled in. A Blue Gill.
So did Mike!
My cute fisherman. :)
Then last weekend Mike and I went up to Lafayette to visit his former church, Faith Baptist. He went there for about 10 years after college and made many friends. Lots of them came to our wedding, and it's been fun keeping up with them on facebook, even though Mike's not on there... yet. It's also fun to visit because some people knew that he got married, but have never met me, and they would say, "Is this her?" Fun. He likes introducing me as his wife.
When we arrived, we were informed that it was Lake Day, and everyone was going over to Melissa Eikenberry's parents' lake house on Lake Freeman in Monticello, IN to ride jet skis, lay out, and play at the lake. Originally, Mike and I had planned on going rollerblading on the Purdue campus after church, so we actually already had a change of clothes. But we headed to Wal-Mart to get towels and Mike got some swim trunks. My favorite was when MIke said, "Yeah, we'll go to Wal-Mart, and I'll pick up some trunks and you can pick up a swimsuit!" Yeah right. Like I can walk in a store, point to one I like and take it home.
Oh, dear, you have so much to learn.
Anyway, here's us at the lake. Mike was in heaven. Just a few pics:
I didn't want to get completely wet since I didn't have a suit, so Mike found this tube for me, and Jeannie tethered me to the dock. This is me chatting it up with Elizabeth and Renae, new friends. :)
That sums up what's been going on with us lately! Actually there's a lot more, but it is not remotely interesting, so I'll spare you! Happy 4th!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Alonso Duralde Film critic writes:
Artist and filmmaker Peter Greenaway once famously noted, “Cinema is far too rich and capable a medium to be merely left to the storytellers.” Still, when he suggested a move away from narrative, I can’t imagine that he was advocating a movie like “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen,” a cinematic avalanche in which Michael Bay eschews anything resembling plot or characters and instead screams at the audience’s eyes for two and a half hours.
And before any of you launch into the usual riposte of “This isn’t supposed to be an Oscar-winning drama, it’s just FUN!!!!” let me point out that there are good giant-robots-walloping-the-tar-out-of-each-other movies and there are bad ones, and this second “Transformers” movie falls squarely into the latter category.
Trying to take in this movie is akin to shaking up a snowglobe and paying attention to glitter shard No. 432,581: When two similarly-colored CG robots are simultaneously morphing and punching each other in the head, it’s impossible to figure out where one ends and the other begins, resulting in a visual cacophony that goes hand-in-hand with the bowels-rattling bassline and the shrieking, incoherent dialogue.
And then there’s what passes for story, which has all the lucidity of a toddler-on-Red-Bull’s fever dream. It goes something like this: The good-guy Autobots are still on Earth but are being kept a secret from the general public. They’re working with the U.S. Army to wipe out occasional appearances from the nasty Decepticons, and intel suggests that something big and nasty is around the corner.
That would The Fallen (yes, it’s a character), a rogue Autobot who had once attempted, millennia earlier, to snuff out the sun. He plans to use a shard of the All Spark, which brings these robots to life to… wait, actually, I can’t even remember what the shard, which happens to be in the possession of Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf), has to do with his evil plan, but eventually the bad guys figure out that Sam has some mystical knowledge embedded in his brain that will help them to locate the Matrix of Leadership (as opposed to the Axis of Evil, perhaps) that will restart the sun-destroying machine.
The storyline, such as it is, exists mainly as an excuse to reassemble much of the cast of the first film, including Sam’s sexpot mechanic girlfriend Mikaela (Megan Fox), conspiracy theorist Agent Simmons (John Turturro, who also voices cranky old Autobot Jetfire), and Sam’s goofy parents (Kevin Dunn and Julie White). Many of the robots from the last movie return, including the “twin” cars whose speech and behavior patterns are appalling stereotypes of young African-American men; the movie should just name the duo Step and Fetchit or Shuck and Jive to drive home the point.
There’s no wiggle room here for anyone to do any actual acting — and yet, Tyrese (as a soldier) still manages to be stiffer than anyone else on screen — and those who want to look for it can find a pro-George W. Bush subtext. (Diplomacy is for wimps! The French eat gross stuff!)
But with so much to despise about “Revenge of the Fallen,” there’s no need to get caught up in matters of performance or ideology. This movie is an assault: It doesn’t look good, it doesn’t make sense and it pummels the viewer into submission when it could just as easily have been entertaining and exhilarating.
“Transformers” is ostensibly about saving mankind from exterior forces, but humanity itself is sorely lacking from the finished product.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Summer is Funner
This is us at the Indians game
Alex and Megan with the ball that he caught!
My Megan and Me
Then on Saturday night we went over to Kerry & Glenda's house to celebrate the triple May birthdays! Mike, Uncle Kerry, and Grandpa all have birthdays around the same time, so they always celebrate together. I love going out to their house because it gives me a little taste of the country. We ate some good food, opened presents, ate ice cream cake, started a fire (in the firepit, it's OK) and I got to shoot a gun. Don't ask me what kind, I don't know. I was pretty good!
Checking out Glenda's garden... I want one someday
Mmmm ice cream cake
Happy Birthday!
In other news, my sister Melissa is ENGAGED!! She will become Mrs. Jacob Yellig in September and I could not be more excited. It just kills me that I won't meet this kid until the weekend of the wedding, but that's one of the things you deal with when you don't live near family. But I totally trust Melissa and her instincts and from what she tells me, he is a doll. Mike and I were talking about it the other day, discussing how this year so much is happening, and he made the comment that next year at Christmas, there will be 2 married couples (not including Mom & Dad) at the house! I guess the newlyweds will get Melissa's room and Mike and I will be on the pull-out couch. Haha! Honestly it doesn't matter to me, I'm just so excited that our family is growing and that my dad has some more male companionship!
Well that's just about all that's going on around here. Other than that, I'm staying super-busy working overtime in my normal job and having a ton of fun with Pampered Chef.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Bumper Stickers
"Choice: It's a beautiful right."
"Say NO to animal cruelty."
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I got my baby back, baby back, baby back
He got home last night, and after dinner with his parents and grandpa, we went home and he started looking verrrrry sleeeeepy... and I just wanted to be with him... so together, we went to bed about 8:30! Of course this was very early for me, but it was his 1:30am! We both woke up this morning, completely rested and in a good mood. I guess that's what 11 hours of sleep will do to you! His driver's license expired on Saturday (his birthday) so I had to take him to work this morning.
These past 4 1/2 months have been very difficult for both of us, and there were many people who came to our aid to make life a little bit easier and more joyful for us!
Phil- Thank you so much for buying me dinner when I came to visit Mike. You have been so gracious in answering your phone when a sometimes-frantic, worried wife is on the other end. Thanks for promptly sending messages to Mike's room when he was out traveling.
Holiday Inn Solihull- (even though no one from the HI reads this blog) You gave my hubby such a nice home for 16 weeks, and always greeted him at the door with kindness.
Kelli- Thank you for being such a dear friend to me when Mike was gone. You were faithful to pray for us, and always asked if there was something that you could do. Thank you for always making me feel included.
Erin- Our walks together and time spent watching movies and eating ice cream were so precious to me. Your sweet spirit was always so refreshing on days when I needed a word of kindness. And you, also, thank you for always making me feel included in group activities, even though I'm the old married one. :)
Heather- you are the closest thing to a sister I have in Indy. Thank you for your sweet text messages, and calls, just to see how I'm doing. It was fun to hang out when we were both missing our men, and I cherish our conversations about love and life.
Mom & Dad Couts- Thank you for checking up on me literally every day, just to make sure I'm doing OK. I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to get together as much, but these girls who I just mentioned kept me pretty busy!
Ryan & Laurel- Thank you for all the meals at your home, and thanks for always making me feel part of a family. It means so much to both of us.
Mom- I find it comforting to talk to you because, well, your my mom.... and also, you've been a wife of a man who travels a lot. But you had kids to drive you nuts at the time... thanks so much for our sweet conversations and thank you for never seeming to get bored of my rambling. I called you numerous times, in tears, and you kept your cool every time. If you had started crying, I would have felt like I burdened you. Thanks for teaching me how to be a good wife.
Dad- You brought a different perspective, and showed me how to be a supportive wife of a man who travels a lot. Thanks for your humorous email forwards that always come at a time when I need them. I love you!
Melissa and Holly- You girls always seem to call just when I need it too. Melissa, your engagement story got me through last Sunday, and Holly, news of your awesome internship gets me through each day. I am so proud of and excited for both of you.
My girlfriends at church (married and single)- Thank you for including me in your various activities. I was afraid that after I got married, I would all of a sudden lose you, but that didn't happen! I love to be around you girls and encourage you in your lives, just as you do for me.
My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!! You have been the one who has carried us through each excruciating day apart from one another. You filled us with gladness and hope when we didn't have each other to turn to. You gave Mike comfort as he was all alone in a strange country (haha) and you gave me peace when I felt all alone in my home country. Thank you for keeping both of us safe and for bringing us back together again.
We have a list a mile long of things that need to be done now that Mike's back in town.... I just need to realize that it may not happen in one week. We have missed each other so much, and I know it will be a huge adjustment, but we're up for it!
So on the count of three....
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Update on us
Well there isn't much to report on "us," because the manly side of "us" is still out of the country in England on business, and this trip has been 6 weeks. Aaaand we don't know when he's getting back.... we were expecting to see him this weekend or even as late as June 1, but even that's up in the air now due to complications over there with his work. I need my hubby back! I actually have a bit of a hard time imagining what it will be like when he comes home and is here... in the apartment... for real... not just an image on a computer screen via skype. But I'm sure as soon as he and his mess return from England, it will all be back to normal! But I happen to LOVE normal! I hear of all these people going on dates with their husband, and I can hardly remember the last time we did that. Yesterday was the 100th day we have been apart total (not consecutive).
I've had an incredibly stressful week because I'm anxiously awaiting the return of my honey... but on top of that, the internet on my desktop work computer suddenly stopped working on Tuesday, so I've been working in the main office instead of the home office. This is frustrating b/c I don't have all the stuff that I have at home, but it's good to come in and see people I haven't seen in a few months. As it turns out, it may not be the computer's problem, but our modem, so that will involve the cable company, which is never a short process.
On that topic, Saturday marked my 4th anniversary with my company. It's a little hard to believe that I moved here 4 years ago for this same job, and I'm still doing it. 4 years out of college and still at entry level. Yup. I have switched positions in the company several times, but I enjoyed my first role the best. BUT the pay is good, we stay busy, and I'm really really good at it.
Have I ever mentioned that I have the best friends in the world? That post will come soon after Mike returns, whenever that is. They are so wonderful at distracting me and keeping me busy with fun activities to encourage me and help me pass the time.
More info when it becomes available....
Jon & Kate Plus 8 Divided by Two Equals Train Wreck
Mike and I have watched it together many times, and even before we were married, I told him, "I will NEVER speak to you like that in private or in public," regarding the way that Kate treats Jon like a child and is always very hard on him. Mike has often teased me that I'm like Kate in some ways, and he's like Jon. I'm a little weird about germs and I like to make everything from scratch and use as many organic items as possible... and Mike is very low-key about stuff sometimes. But that's where the similarities end.
Did anyone have a chance to see Monday night's season premiere of the show? It was extremely uncomfortable to see the obviously distant Jon and Kate at their childrens' birthday party, pretending to have a good time. It was painful to watch... they had papparazzi hiding in the bushes, following them to Target, and catching all the awkward moments. The husband and wife didn't even acknowledge eachother's presence, except when Kate needed Jon to do something for her.
It bothers me when tabloids annoy people like this, but these are not people who originally intended to be celebrities, but have turned into them. It's a slippery slope, and they have been sliding down it for some time now. Last month I bought and read Kate's book, Multiple Bles8ings, and thoroughly enjoyed it. She came across in the book as being very real, and after reading it, I feel like I know her. The book helped me to better relate to the Manleys, a family in our church who had quints over a year ago... helped me to learn about the emotions that their mother may have gone through, and may be going thru at this time. The Gosselins claim to be a Christian family, but hey- infidelity, deceit, etc can happen to anyone if they are not strong enough in their faith to fight it off.
I was in denial about all of this because the tabloids were the ones reporting everything, but once Kate's brother Kevin and sister-in-law Jodi came out to the media about what was going on, I knew everything was truly going downhill. I still don't want to believe it all, but this stuff happens.
Despite all of this, they continue to film the show. TLC (The Learning Channel) is famous for providing a great deal of variety in their reality shows, and they are not usually trashy like others... after I watch a TLC show, I often don't have the "my brain is going to melt from inactivity" feeling that I get from watching shows on Bravo or MTV. TLC needs to halt all the filming and leave them alone to deal with their issues. Nobody in their right mind wants to see a family crumble, especially when 8 kids are in the middle of it. I really hope that they get some Godly counsel and can work things out... but after seeing the interviews on Monday night's season premiere, they couldn't even look at each other. Sad.
I don't know exactly where I'm going with this post, these are just my feelings. Any thoughts?
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Dear Fashion Industry,
Rachel "No, I'm not pregnant, just trying to be fashionable" Couts
Monday, May 18, 2009
4 years ago....
This is Abi, Me, and Heather at the Christmas banquet, where Mike and I had our first date
Good times! This is Josh, Ingrid, Chris, Amy, and Nate. I think we went bowling that night.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Political Post
The question that keeps coming back to my mind over and over is:
"How can someone be a Bible-believing Christian and support Barack Obama?"
If someone has the answer to this, I would love to hear it. I have a hard time wrapping my head around it. It seems that most Christians with whom I attend church are conservatives, but I know there are some Liberals out there. Moderates even. That's fine. I can still love them as Christian brothers and sisters.... but I will always have a hard time understanding how they can explain relating their faith to their political opinions. Now I know that we all make mistakes... I make small decisions every day that I immediately regret, and realize that they are sinful. But I do my best to not continue to live that way.
I just don't understand how someone can call themselves a Christian when they fully support a President who is in favor of the following:
-Abortion- not just in our countries, but he repealed a law that bans sending money overseas to help people in other countries get abortions... countries to which we are trying to reach with the GOSPEL of HOPE.
-Embryonic Stem Cell research- this all begins with an abortion
-Socialized Healthcare- Man, you shouldn't get me started on this one... basically I will be paying for other people's healthcare with my hard-earned money... illegals even. Why do you think people come to the US from abroad to get healthcare? We have the best system in the world. Why are people dying in Mexico of Swine Flu? Poor healthcare. They have to wait in line for drugs. People in Great Britain are dying of cancer b/c they can't get the medicine they need b/c the government won't get it to them. Do you want your doctor's office to someday look like the Social Security office or the Dept of Motor Vehicles? Sure, it would be great for everyone to have healthcare, but that's not the way it works. Sorry. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Get a job that offers you benefits, or get private healthcare. There are always options. To rely on the government is just plain silly.
-Redistribution of wealth- again, I'll eventually be paying for the bum on the street who doesn't want to work for a living. Oh, and the illegals again.
And these are just a few. You may be thinking, "What do those last 2 have to do with believing the Bible? Aren't we supposed to help the poor?" And the answer is YES. But that is something that should be left up to us, personally. It is not something that should be mandated by the government. That's what non-profit organizations are for. Think of how many organizations are out there, who may start suffering because of lack of funds once these required taxes are taken our of our paychecks. People may not be able to afford to donate to various organizations. It is as if the government mandates everyone in the country to spend a certain amount of hours serving at a soup kitchen each year, depending on how much money they make. Sound fair? Not really.
Now I haven't lived through very many presidents, but I have tried to pray for each one every day. However, this has been the most difficult one. It is so hard to pray for someone who stands for everything you are against, and is against just about everything that you stand for. How can I support a man who signs the declaration for the National Day of Prayer in silence? It's as if he's doing it just to appease people like me. To "reach across the aisle" I guess. Like his arm was twisted. It makes me absolutely sick to see where our country is headed, and can't believe that I'm praying for the man who is pointing us in that direction. I don't think I've ever been so challenged in that way. Please, fellow Christians, R or D, join me in praying for this man and his staff.
OK so I think I'm done. Like I said, I have many more opinions, but it is probably best that I keep them to myself. These are my opinions, and these are my struggles. And I welcome feedback.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Notes of Encouragement
Still I will trust you
Still I will follow
Still I will listen
to your every calling
While the storm rages on
And I can't find my way
Still I will trust you Lord
-Still I Will Trust You by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
"Hold on to the promises of God, no matter how long it takes. Because no matter what your situation, God is always faithful."
-Some pastor on Moody Radio
"Happy Wedding Day! I'll be thinking of you. Love you much, Meg."
-note left on my desk from my friend Megan the week before we got married
You are my hiding place
You always fill my heart
With songs of deliverance
Whenever I am afraid
I will trust in you
I will trust in you
Let the weak say I am strong
In the strength of the Lord
-You Are My Hiding Place by Selah
When Satan tempts me to despair
And tells me of the guilt within
Upward I look and see Him there
Who made an end to all my sin!
-Before the Throne of God Above, one of my faves
"It's only temporary!"
-Courtesy of Grandpa Couts
"This is the day the LORD has made! I will rejoice and be GLAD in it!"
This isn't a note of encouragement, but it brings back good memories: a pink foam cutout of a baseball bat, painted with gold glitter, "GO ASTROS." I made this at Radio Lollipop in 2004 when the Astros were in the playoffs. Good times.
I also have a double helix keychain that I made in the genetics class that I taught at the museum when I lived in Houston.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Pastor Mark delivered a message from Matthew 2 about the state of affairs in Jesus' region after he was born. Herod was in control. Herod was also nuts. He ordered the slaughter of all those baby boys under 2. So when Herod got threatened and freaked out, so did the people of his kingdom. There were 3 main points that I took away from this, and I want to share them:
1. God is unstoppable, in control, and always a step ahead, even when we don't see it.
2. Jesus is opposed- actively or passively- by those who are threatened by them.
3. Opposing Jesus- actively or passively- is treason either way. Yikes.
That first one is the most applicable for us right now. Mike has been away for 11 weeks so far, and by the end of this whole thing, it will be about 15 weeks. Why would God do this? Why would he have us apart for so long? If I learned one thing from Pastor Mark's series on Job, DON'T ASK GOD WHY.
You know how when we plan, God laughs? Well I have some ideas of positive things that have come out of our separation. The negatives are obvious, so I won't focus on those. So here they are. Go ahead and laugh, God! My feelings won't be hurt.
1. Mike has become so independent and learned a whole new culture all by himself. He has been given a chance to travel, almost all on an expense account.
2. Frequent Flyer miles... I think as of right now we have enough for 4 round-trip tickets anywhere in the continental US.
3. If Mike hadn't been in England for an extended period of time, then I never would have been able to visit, and wouldn't have a nifty stamp on my passport. (first one!)
4. Since Mike left, I have been more diligent in my quiet time than ever before. And even when he was back for a week visiting, I was still able to keep it up. I may actually read through the whole Bible this year!
5. This has given me more time to spend with my single girlfriends and encourage them in their walks with Christ.
6. God could be protecting Mike from Swine Flu here in the US. You never know.
7. I was sick for the past 2 weeks with allergies that caused a severe cough, often waking me up in the middle of the night several times, as if I was choking. This would not have been good if Mike were in the bed next to me.
8. Plainly put, the apartment stays cleaner with just me. And trust me, I make enough mess for 2 people, but when it is just me, I tend to be neater.
Well lookie there! There IS something for me to blog about! Hopefully in this time apart, Mike and I will continue to grow personally, and then share what we've learned when this whole ordeal is over.
In Mike's absence, though, I have found a new 24 buddy! My friend Jennifer came over last week to watch it with me (b/c neither of us like watching it alone) and we're going to try to make it an every-week type of thing!
May is getting bizzzzzzzzzzy though. I'll try to keep up with the blogging. But then again don't I always say that?
Rachel <><